Monday, 30 January 2012

Monitoring the price of chilli on the market 2.

The price of chilli was slightly higher before the Chinese New Year (23/1/2012). Depending on the types of chilli sold,  some showed a slight drop in the price but not to a big margin.

Description: Prices of chilli from the same outlet after Chinese New Year. (Photos taken 29/1/2012).

Same Chili before Chinese NewYear.


The price of Green Chillies went slightly higher and the Birds' Eye chillies (chili padi) remain constant before and after the Chinese New Year.

Descriptions: The price of green chillies (Chili Hijau) before and after Chinese New Year.

Green Chillies (price) before Chinese New Year:

Same chillies (green chillies, price) after the Chinese New Year -  (photo taken 29/1/2012).

Birds eye chilli (price ) before Chinese New Year.

Birds Eye chilli (price) price after Chinese New Year- photo taken 29/1/2012).

Company's Office and Company secretary.

1. Company's Office.

Global Agro Diversified has a permanent office located at:

No: 41A, Jalan Kajang Impian 2/1,
Taman Kajang Impian,
43950, Bandar Baru Bangi,
Selangor, Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03-8927 3962
Fax: 03-8927 3962

Staff spent their time alternately between working 'on-site' at the various Chilli Plantations and also at the office for important meetings and doing other administrative duties.

2. Company's secretary.

Global Agro Diversified Sdn Bhd has appointed a Company'secretary which is:

Encyclo Management Services,
No: 3-1f,  First Floor,
Jalan Hentian 1b,
Jalan Reko,
Pusat hentian Kajang,
43000, Kajang, Selangor.
Darul Ehsan.
  (Attn: Zen Azrai b. Abd Rashid).

Friday, 27 January 2012

Monitoring the price on chilli on the Market 1.

Price of chilli.

The price of chilli currently has been so encouraging. It ranges between RM6 - RM18 dollar depending on the type of chilli. Birds' Eye chilli sell at a higher price due to it's popular demand from customers. The price of chilli is expected to stay good within the next few months anyway and there has never been a better time to do chilli as business.

Description:  Photos showing the current price of chilli at Econsave Supermarket, Bandar Baru Bangi.  (18/1/2012).

Description: Price of Chilli at Carrefour Supermarket, Mid-Valley, Bangsar,
                     Kuala Lumpur. (26/1/2012).
                     The price is really 'mouth-watering' - RM18.99 per kilogram.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Chili: From Ladang 2, Inas to Home.

Why chilli.

Chili has become one of the most popular plant to grow due to it's short space of time to harvest. From the time when the seed are sowed to the time of harvest, the duration required is only 3 months. Apart from the short harvesting time, the area required for chili plantation need not be too big. Furthermore, by using the fertigation techniques, the spaces needed to separate one plant to another can be between 1-2 feet only.

Chili plants are somewhat 'cute'. It can be taken straight home and it's easy to look after.

Description: This plant was taken from our ladang in Inas to our home at Country Heights, Kajang.  The size of chili that we grow at the ladang can reach up to 7 inches long.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Photo Gallery 6: Ladang 4. Our current Project at Ladang 2.

At Ladang 2 which has the size of about 9.5  acres, Global Agro Diversified is hoping to develop a large part of the area into chili plantation. At the moment it only has one unit of Rain Shelter and the area can still accommodate between 8-10 Rain Shelters.

Global Agro Diversified - operational cost for it's new Project at Ladang 2
Cost for  15 unit of Rain Shelter measuring 20'  x  100' = Approx. RM250,000.

What is the cost involved.

a. Chili Plantation Project by fertigation on a land of 9.5 acres which includes all the material required, workers accommodation, electric and water charges and also a cold storage. 2 workers will be provided to help with looking after the plants.

b. 15 unit of Rain Shelters each measuring 20ft  x  100ft (per unit) as per specification and directive from the Agriculture Department.

c. The Company and it's workers monitor the various stages of plant growth including;  use of fertilizers, herbicides and general supervision during the growing stages.

d. A specific amount of money will be used to pay workers salary, cost of raw material and other commitment.

e. The Company do it's own packaging and market them direct to buyers.

f. The Company constantly seeks assistance from the Agriculture Department and the Farmers Organisation (Pertubuhan Peladang) of any available help with the running of the business.


      i.   Rain Shelter and structure: 1 Unit of Rain Shelter ( Bay ) measuring
           20ft  x  100ft can accommodate 335 chili plants.15 Unit of Rain Shelter 
           can therefore accommodate :   15  x   335   =  5025 plants
           Each polybag can accommodate 2 plants, therefore :  Total number
           of plants that can be planted  with 15 Rain Shelter =  10,050 plants.

           Each Unit/Bay potentially can produce 25kilograms of chillies per day.
          15 Rain Shelters can therefore produce 25  x  15   =  375 kilograms of
           chillies per day.

     ii.    Analysis of sales/profit.  The current chili market price is very
           encouraging and ranges between RM 8 - RM 18 per kilogram
           depending on the types of chillies.
           Considering 1 kilogram of chili is priced at RM5. 
           Sales of chillies from 375 kilogram = RM1875 per day.
           Sales of chili per month = RM56,250.

           Considering price of chili goes up to RM8/kg.     
           Sales of chili from 375 kilogram  =  RM3000 per day.
           Sales of chili per month = RM90,000.

Description: The photos below show the size of area that Global Agro Diversified Sdn Bhd is planning to develop.

Photo Gallery 5: Ladang 4. Red and Green large chillies.

At Ladang 4, apart from the birds' eye chillies, Global Agro Diversified also grow the large red chillies (chili besar) similar to the ones at Ladang 1,2 and 3. At the moment we only have one unit of Rain Shelter where all the large chillies are planted. We are hoping to develop these particular Ladang and build more Rain Shelters to enable us to progress further and deeper into our chili business.

Photo Gallery 4: Ladang 4 - Birds' eye chili (Chili Padi)

Photo Gallery 4:     Global Agro Diversified also plant the birds'eye chili or 'chili padi (in Malay) on open ground. These particular type of chili is much smaller and usually they are much much hotter. Birds'eye chili is well known to be more robust and has better resistant against diseases and could withstand all the inclement elements of rain and sun. The Company plant these birds'eye chili in a smaller part of our Plantation at Ladang 4, approximately 5 miles away from Ladang 1,2 and 3. This is also the area where we are hoping to develop further to expand our chili business and would welcome offers from anyone who is interested in our business.

Description:  The following photos show Birds' Eye chili plant grown at the Ladang. They are at the beginning of the harvest time. The chillies look very fresh and very healthy.

Description: Birds'Eye chilli grown at the Ladang after they've been plucked.

Description: The following photos were taken from another Ladang which also grow Birds' eye chili. The plants have been harvested and new planting is due within a few weeks from the time when these photos were taken.